
Jurassic Park's Better With...

For my first post, I'll be looking at Jurassic Park. So here goes:
I don't own Jurassic Park, I'm just messing it up. So let's see...

Already has some.
Why have scientifically-resurrected dinosaurs when you can have undead dinosaurs?

So... holy Triceratops droppings, wouldn't that make Malcolm, who was bitten by our Zombiesaurus Rex here, a zombie? Could explain why he dies in the first book and is alive in the second.
"… the only one I've got on my side is the blood-sucking lawyer!", Hammond complained.
"Thank you", Gennaro replied with a smile, baring his fangs.
Why not? It's already in there, only needs a bit more emphasis.
This picture sucks on purpose.

Not that much, maybe.
"Is that... auto-erotica?", Gennaro asked, studying the scientists.
"It's called animatronics, Donald, and no, they're not. Top-of-the-line androids", Hammond said with pride. "Spared no expense."
Robots and dinosaurs... is there a better combination?
Aliens who communicate via the satellite network destroy big cities while the group of scientists is on the Isla Nublar, and Ian Malcolm saves the day by defeating the aliens with a computer virus.
… wait. Isn't there a movie about that?

Already in there.
Where, you ask? You can't see them. They're ninjas.

And that's all for today.

1 comment:

  1. How about ghosts? Ahhh - they're already in there; they're invisible, too, righto? Oooooahahahahaaa!!
    Great idea, Dude...
